Resilience in Performance Environments
A need to develop a resilience pathway is a construct that is gaining momentum in elite sport, in parallel with an ever increasing focus on mindfulness in the workplace there is a real desire to enhance the capabilities of an organisation's human capital. Our recent study sought to explore the hypothesis that through the operationalisation of resilience of amateur endurance athletes it can create a set of resilience of resources which can be potentially deployed and evidenced in the athletes' work environment.
We believe physical activity can enhance people's mindfulness and also create a 'mind set' and 'set of values' of positive outputs. The ability to push the boundaries in all forms of physical exercise can we believe also enhance an individual's capability to become more resilient at work because of their experiential learning in a sporting context. Our study was a snapshot in time but we are keen to develop this construct further as we believe it will bring significant benefits to your organisation.
If this of interest, please do not hesitate to get in touch,